Ka’Chava Review: Is This Meal Replacement Worth It?

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Ka’Chava is a supplement that will fit right in with your busy lifestyle. Sip anywhere you go, anytime you want with their convenient single-serve packets. Ka’Chava tastes incredibly great and has the highest organic ingredients of any meal replacement powder on the market.

To find out whether this multi-ingredient shake can help users boost their health, we took a closer look at the formula and investigated its taste as well as the research behind its ingredients. If you want to learn more about it or if Kachava is worth trying for yourself, then make sure to keep reading our Ka’chava Review. 

Fast Facts from Our Ka’Chava Review

  1. Product Name: Ka’Chava Meal Replacement Shake
  2. Manufacturer: Tribal Nutrition LLC is the parent company of Ka’Chava
  3. Recommended dose: Use it twice daily for weight loss and once daily for weight maintenance. Take two scoops of the shake dissolved or blended in 12- 14 oz of water once a day.
  4. Ka’Chava Costs: 1 bag =15-day supply, which can cost you $69.95. You can get a discount of $10 if you subscribe to a monthly collection of 2 bags for a cost of $120.
  5. Active ingredients: Different blends of Protein, Vitamins, omega EFA, fiber, folic acid, probiotics, prebiotics, adaptogen, minerals, and digestive enzymes.
  6. Best Place To Buy: You can order through their website or Amazon and other online retailers.
  7. Who can take this: Everyone can use it, but it’s better to ask your healthcare provider before using it.
  8. Is Kachava worth it?: Personally speaking, this is one of the best meal replacement drinks available on market. There are a few more, you can read more options below.

What is Ka’Chava?

Ka’Chava is a delicious meal replacement powder made from a mixture of 70 different plant-based superfoods that claims to improve immunity, boost energy levels, help digestion, manage a healthy weight, and support a healthy brain performance.  

The all-in meal replacements shake, ‘Ka’Chava has an abundance of vitamins and minerals. It also contains protein to keep you feeling full longer than your typical meals or snacks with enzymes that help digest food better than ever before.

The probiotics in this supplement work hard at making sure our guts stay healthy by fighting off harmful bacteria while antioxidants fight damage caused by free radicals ensuring everything inside us stays fresh for years on end (or decades).

With so much goodness packed into one delicious drink – there’s no reason not to give it a try today.

Their delicious vegan, gluten-free shakes are hit because they started getting mentions on websites like Forbes, The Daily Beast, and Business Wire. Their vanilla and chocolate flavors have no filler ingredients, so they taste great while performing well in nutrition.

We Like;

  • This superfood drink is made from high-quality ingredients obtained from natural sources and is the best meal alternative.
  • The product is free from all kinds of allergens and gluten.
  • Ka’Chava also comes with a money-back guarantee which is good if you are not satisfied with the results.
  • Ka’Chava is packed with probiotics, digestive enzymes, and 70+ superfoods and vitamins.
  • The majority of Ka’Chava Reviews are surprisingly positive on Amazon. Also loved by customers with over 63,000 reviews, overall 4.4 out of 5 on Google.
  • The company website doesn’t look like a scam and is very clean and professionally built.

We Don't Like;

  • Although Kachava is a good meal replacement drink, there is still no third-party testing on their website.
  • It is not as cheap as you think, you will need to pay a considerable amount of bucks.
  • You will need to use it consistently to see your desired results.
  • Comes in only two flavors which in my opinion should be more than that. (They should increase the flavors).
  • This energy drink is only available for US citizens. They don’t ship it outside the US.
  • There are many negative Ka’chava reviews about the cost of the product, but the positive reviews are more in numbers.

Ka’Chava Benefits

The shake is packed with over 70 plant-based superfoods & nutrients that provide the following health benefits.

  • Manage a healthy weight: As the manufacturer claims, the supplement will help you control your craving with 240 calories that keep you full for hours. The makers recommend taking this shake two times a day for weight loss and one time a day for weight maintenance.  
  • Boost your Nutrients: All of the ingredients present in this shake will help get all the required nutrients.
  • Other Benefits: The product is supposed to boost the immune system, increase energy levels, aid digestion, and reduce bloating. Some of the nutritional elements in this shake will help you improve your immune function properly.

Ka’Chava Ingredients

As discussed earlier, it is a blend of 70 different ingredients like proteins, vitamins, and plant-based constituents. So we can’t analyze all of the ingredients in this Ka’chava review; we will try to explain these things based on each blend this product contains.

Let’s have a look at the supplement facts;

Protein Blend—27.75 g

Protein is an essential part of anybody’s diet. When eaten, proteins bind with other nutrients to form repair molecules that help the body grow more robust and more resilient in its fight against illness or the aging process – which can be fought by eating good quality protein foods.

A study found that men who took pea powder supplements had higher levels than before taking them. At the same time, another study showed rice protein was also quite beneficial for muscle building even among adult males.

Omega EFA / Fiber Blend— 9.62 g

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the brain, but omega-6s can also have a role. Chia seeds and flaxseeds contain both types of fats, which makes this blend so special. These healthy oils help your body function at its best by promoting mood swings or even depression while giving you energy on demand when needed most during those busy days with schoolwork piling up – all without feeling hungry because fiber helps keep us full longer than any other food does. Fiber has been shown in studies to reduce weight and minimize the risk of many other diseases. 

Antioxidant blend- 6.1 g

The antioxidant blend includes acai, camu, maqui berries, tart cherries, and other fruits. Antioxidant vitamin C is abundant in many foods of this blend which helps protect skin from harmful environmental factors like UV rays and plays an essential role in protein collagen production that keeps our bodies solid and youthful.

Anthocyanins, also known to be produced by blueberries, have been shown protection against cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis or Alzheimer’s disease because they offer anti-inflammatory benefits when ingested orally. 

Adaptogen Blend—1020mg

Another blend in the KaChava is Adaptogens, which are plant foods that help the body adapt to stress. This blend includes mushrooms like shiitake, maitake, reishi, and cordyceps used in other cultures for centuries as they boost immunity with anti-cancer effects or just general wellness. The ginger present in this shake also works as an antioxidant and can help the body fight inflammation. 

Super Green Blend—500mg

This is my favorite type of vegetable mixture because they’re so healthy! It makes up less than 1% weight in this product, though – about half a gram per serving (I know not all that much).

This blend is excellent, but unfortunately, each ingredient is unknown, and they are only dusted, so we can’t talk about their benefits.

Digestive Enzymes—50mg

Enzymes help speed chemical reactions in our bodies, and without them, we wouldn’t be able to break down food. So if you want a better digestive experience or need more enzymes for some other reason, then this is the product for you. It includes amylase (which helps digest carbohydrates), protease(protein digestion), cellulases which work on fat cells, etc.

You might think that lactase, the enzyme that breaks down sugar from milk and other dairy products, is a useless add-on ingredient for vegan supplements. But if you were planning on mixing this product with your morning beverage instead of water, then I’ll forgive its inclusion!

In addition, there are also varieties of different types of enzymes. After taking these supplements, make sure that follow up with your doctor because sometimes people have pancreas issues where having too much enzyme can lead to diarrhea.

Probiotics & Prebiotics—50mg

Then we have probiotics Lactobacillus rhamnoses and Lactobacillus acidophilus. These two strains are known for helping digestive health and managing weight loss. This product also has inulin in its prebiotics mixture that supports digestive health by feeding good gut bacteria.

Multivitamins & Minerals

After analyzing the formula more closely, I discovered that there are more than 25 essential vitamins, including A, C, D, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, through K. The product is also packed with many minerals like magnesium, calcium, zinc, sodium, and chromium among others.

You can’t have good health without vitamins and minerals. So if you want to be healthy, your body needs to get enough of them! Vitamins help boost immunity and improve appearance, while minerals are essential in supporting mental wellness.

Is it safe to use—Ka’Chava Side Effects?

The side effects of this product are unknown, but it is made up mostly of natural ingredients. While researching customer opinions on the matter, I couldn’t find many who complained about adverse effects from taking this product either so it may be safe in some cases.  

However, it’s always better to consult your healthcare provider and avoid it if you have superfood allergies or other sensitivities to foods like chia seeds, etc.

Although the chances of getting side effects are low, still some of the rare side effects include;

  • Nausea,
  • Gas,
  • Diarrhea.
  • Mild abdominal discomfort may occur.
  • Some people have reported pain.
  • Cramping, and
  • Rare allergic reaction.

Consult with your doctor before use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as it may have harmful side effects on future pregnancies and nursing sessions depending upon how much of the product was ingested during that period regarding dosage recommendations listed by the manufacturer’s instructions printed clearly across each label.

The shake is packed with 6 grams of sugar per serving which is very high for those who have diabetes, plus it may not be a good choice for those looking for weight loss through this shake.

So is it safe to take Ka’Chava?

Some users would even feed this product to their young children. Ka’Chava is safe for kids as long as you speak to your child’s doctor first and ask about any possible side effects that may occur from using it.

Other than this, the product is safe to use because the shake is packed with some exceptional quality natural ingredients, plus it is high in protein and low in carbs. This also makes it one of the best products for weight loss.

How to take it—Ka’Chava Dosage?

It’s always a great idea to start your day with plenty of energy. That’s why the company offers the Ka’chava meal replacement, which contains all-natural ingredients designed for optimal health.

This powerful shake can be taken in any form— dissolved or blended–and offers up an incredible boost when it’s time for you to get things done at work or school. 

The usual recommended intake of Ka’chava meal replacement is two scoops dissolved or blended with 12-14 oz of water once a day (at any time).

Ka’Chava Price & Where To Buy?

They offer one 15-serving bag that costs $69.95, which works out at about 4 cents per serving or 3 pence less than the price of other companies’ comparable products without discounts when you subscribe.

In my opinion, this product is excellent but comes off as being too expensive due to the lack of third-party testing seal authenticity.

Many people have subscriptions for food but don’t know the actual cost. For example, a Ka’Chava subscription will provide you with one meal per day at the expense of $4 per serving – if this is below your daily meals, then it should work out well.

Apart from the purchases, the company also offers a money-back guarantee for one bag of each flavor. If you don’t like the product, they will pay your money back without asking questions.

Ka’Chava Alternatives

To be honest, this is the best meal replacement shake, but other brands also offer great value for money. These Ka’chava alternatives are packed with some high-quality ingredients, plus they are made in USDA-cleared facilities; other than this, they are best sellers in the meal replacement niche.

Here is a list of some high-quality Ka’Chava alternatives;

  • Garden Of Life Meal Replacement
  • Orgain Organic Meal Replacement
  • Purely Inspired all-in-one meal replacement

Garden Of Life Meal Replacement is one of the best shakes containing vitamins, proteins, and other organic ingredients. It can be purchased from Amazon for about $37.75, while the listed price is $59.95, which is about half the price of Ka’Chava.

Orgain Organic Meal has less than half the calories, is a certified organic supplement, and provides 20 grams of protein for just $2.19 per serving.

Another Ka’Chava alternative is the Purely Inspired Organic shake. It has been designed with higher protein content in 2 scoops, similar to any other carbohydrates or fats when it comes down to the carbs/fats ratio on a nutritional label.

Ka’Chava Shakes Vs Other Brands—Comparison

Ka’Chava Vs Huel

Although both are nutritionally complete meals, they cater to different target markets. Huel is a more affordable option than Ka’chava and offers a wider range of products such as bars and ready-to-drink options.

On the other hand, Ka’chava contains additional nutrients such as phytonutrients that can give you an extra boost of health benefits that Huel doesn’t provide. Additionally, Ka’chava has a superior taste compared to Huel, despite Huel offering more flavor options.

Overall, while Ka’chava may be the preferred option for those who value taste and extra nutrients, Huel will be a better fit for most people due to its affordability and variety of products. It’s important to consider your personal preferences and nutritional needs when selecting a meal replacement option.

Ka’Chava Vs Orgain

When comparing Orgain and Ka’chava, it’s important to note that Orgain specializes in organic meal replacements. They offer both powders and ready-to-drink options that are 100% organic, which sets them apart from Ka’chava. Additionally, Orgain offers pure protein shakes and protein powders with greens, providing a more comprehensive range of options for consumers seeking protein supplements.

While Orgain and Ka’chava offer meal replacement options, the emphasis on organic ingredients and additional protein options make Orgain a strong choice for those prioritizing organic and protein-rich diets. It’s essential to consider your dietary needs and preferences when selecting a meal replacement option.

Ka’Chava Vs 310 Shake

When comparing Ka’Chava and 310 shakes, several differences can be observed. Firstly, 310 shakes contain fewer calories than Ka’Chava. Additionally, 310 shakes are sugar-free, while Ka’Chava includes 6 grams of sugar per serving. Furthermore, Ka’Chava has 24 grams of carbohydrates, while 310 shake only contains 7 grams. Lastly, Ka’Chava is relatively more expensive than 310 shakes. Learn more about 310 Shake in our honest and unbiased review.

What sets Ka’chava apart from its competitors?

Ka’chava stands out from its competitors due to its exceptional taste, variety of flavor options, and highly nutritious nature. Without any doubt, Ka’chava is a fantastic product, and I highly recommend it.

One of the major benefits of Ka’chava is its high protein content of 25g per serving, along with 9g of fiber and 20% or more of 26 essential vitamins and minerals. It is also important to note that these nutrients naturally occur within a 240 kcal envelope. What sets Ka’chava apart is its unique blend of 80+ superfoods, which provide a complete and nutritious meal in a convenient shake.

In contrast to other meal replacements, Ka’chava does not claim to replace a meal but to provide easy access to a nutritious meal. This approach sets it apart from its competitors as it acknowledges the importance of a balanced and varied diet.

Moreover, Ka’chava prides itself on its delicious taste and offers various flavor options. This makes it an excellent choice for those who struggle to consume healthy foods due to taste preferences.

So, if you are looking for a highly nutritious and convenient meal replacement that tastes great, Ka’chava is the ideal choice. Its unique blend of superfoods, high protein content, and excellent taste make it stand out from its competitors in the market.

Verdict—Ka’Chava Review

Kachava is an extremely popular and affordable, plant-based shake that can be beneficial for health. The ingredients are formulated with more than 70 superfoods and combined with supporting one’s body or mind while fighting diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, etc.

There isn’t much research showing these kinds of products work when it comes to losing fat, but Kachava still offers many health benefits, which makes them worth trying out if you’re looking into holistic solutions.